KRPano development shooting puzzle video sharing software

KRPano development shooting puzzle video sharing software

KRPano development shooting puzzle video sharing software, contains a KRPano development, puzzles, videos, software.


Includes the following software:

Panoramic photo stitching, panorama view, panoramic video mosaics, panoramic video view, panoramic video plug-in, Panorama making, KRPano resource analysis tool, KRPano test development a dedicated browser, KRPano packaging EXE tool, KRPano packaging APK tool, KRPano latest Chinese version of Chinese.


Thanks to decrypt KRPano technology group (551278936) of Hangzhou Lijie, partners share.


Download address: https://pan. Baidu. com/s/1c2tiqkS


Some screenshots:





This post was published on: http://www. krpano. tech/archives/522

Posted by: dragon slayer

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